My Best Efforts in the World of Customized Toys!
What you see here is a selection of toys either customized or created by me over the years. Click on pictures for
larger images. Most are linked in photobucket, and seem to require several clicks to get a good sized picture on photobucket.
Digimon Kids and their monsters
These are figures of the kids and their Digimon from the first season. I made them with white Sculpey clay and
painted them with acrylics way back in 2000, when the show was still in the exciting adventures of its first season.
VWA Wrestlers from the famous Nintendo game Professional Wrestling.
Here we have the most colorful of the fighters: Star Man, Kin Korn Karn and the Amazon. I think these started life
as bargain bin TNA wrestling figures from Walgreens.
Food Fighters!
When my last birthday came around I was thinking of random stuff I kind of wished I had had when I was a kid. Somehow,
memories of Mattel's short-lived line of toys called the Food Fighters came up. Well, after a short visit to ebay, it
became clear the hokey figures had somehow become big collectors items, with even bigger price tags! So, since my son
wanted some food fighters, and we weren't about to spend that kind of green, we went down to the local Dollar Tree for some
supplies, and made our own. The results follow!


First, our cannon fodder supplies from the
Dollar Tree. Dog toys and cheapo figures.
And our results! A veritable army of food-themed heroes and villains to wage war in the kitchen!
As a final note, ebay still really does feature a yard-sale-level buy now and then, and so we came away with a very
filthy Short Stack figure, seen here. The seller even stated in their auction they weren't sure the dirt would come
off. But, with a determined little daughter and a sink full of soap and an old toothbrush, Short Stack was returned
to his former pancake house glory!