Hi there! My name is Digidude, and I welcome you to my establishment: the *DigiCheers*! I hope you'll have
an enjoyable visit, and if you need a drink, just let me know, I'm programmed with more recipes than a digi-data drink mixer!
There are all sorts of things to do in my establishment, including a page of stories told firsthand by my
friends, a chat and message board, an art room, pictures, and links to other places of interest. And when you're
ready to move on up the road, please leave a comment in the guest book so you can leave your own mark with the biggest little
digi-tavern in town, the *DigiCheers*!
So take a stool, take in the atmosphere, shoot some pool, or listen to the juke box, and I'll be right
along with that drink you ordered!

Me, Composimon the Digidude! |
7/1/15 Since Tripod is once again planning a site migration to their new Zeeblio systems, I have begun the process of
creating a Zeeblio failsafe should they migrate before I feel satisfied with where the *Digicheers* is in terms of its completeness.
While it's just a placeholder, you can find the backup site at https://composimon.tripod.com/outback I still have plans to add another Food Fighter to the gallery, I just haven't made him yet. And there may be
a few other things I'd like to publish here before it's too late. I don't know who keeps track of this site anymore,
if anybody, but I'll keep it going for as long as I can!
3/15/15 An addition of some new Food Fighters on the Custom Toy Bench today! A custom Taco Terror, and just for the sake
of completeness, Chip the Ripper with a custom drawn cardback.
8/28/14 I've done a big remodel of the Custom Toy Bench section, and feature some new figures. I am hoping to add
even more of my works, but for now, this will get the ball rolling. Food Fighters and VWA wrestlers abound!
8/24/14 I will be revamping the Custom Toy Bench section very soon to feature some of my latest work. Also, in
honor of Digimon's 15th anniversary, I added a chat room to the site for our meeting. Hopefully it will see some more
use even after the anniversary.
10/19/13 I decided to give the old site a bit of a facelift. I've designed an official *DigiCheers* logo, and I'm
in the process of updating some things, deleting dead links, and otherwise doing housecleaning. I doubt anybody's gonna
notice, but if you don't care about your own site, who will?
Old News...
7/13/12 I added a link to Tcho's movie review site, We R Dinosaurs! It's a fun place where Tcho levels his critical
eye at Hollywood, and Hollywood's many stupid (or sometime brilliant) choices!
4/24/12 I've added a new section to the Unofficial Digimon Domain Floating Museum entitled Izzy's Shoes. This was originally
a feature on a website called Sweet Brotherly Love about Matt and TK way back in the day. Unfotunately, that site is no longer
with us, but thanks to the waybackmachine, one of its most amusing sections is once again!
6/12/11 I updated my own profile story today, just to try and add a little bit of meaning to my own tale as everyone
else left such beutiful memories...
7/2/10 Today Darkclaw's villainous story graces the pages of the Stories section, adding the evil counterpoint to Tai's
heroic tale. Read at your peril!
3/7/10 Today Tcho became one of the awesome patrons of the *DigiCheers* to add his story to the Stories section! Thanks
for the rememberies Tcho!
3/4/10 Can't believe it's been about a year since I last updated this place, but I've done a little work in the Stories
section with pictures, and tried to fix broken or useless links in the Goin' Places section.
3/23/09 Sakura's story is added to the Stories section today! Way to go gettin' that story in Saku!
8/27/08 I added some more art to the UDD Fanart section, mostly my brother Joe_Kido's artwork. You might also have
noticed I have a section dedicated to my hobby of creating homemade heroes. I plan to get pictures into this area as soon
as I've taken some with my digital camera.
8/23/08 I've added some new art to the UDD Fanart section, a cartoon and my digivolving line. Don't really hear much
feedback about it though. Ah well.
2/2/08 The latest update is pathetic. I added another text box to the Patrons section for people to describe themselves
as they appeared or appear in their digital or real life form. Earth-shattering I know.
7/11/07 Today's updates were to the Stories, where the original Tai and Dark Sabor left their remembrances. I'm so
happy my little page is growing!
5/12/07 I just tinkered with the UDD Fan Art section today, added a few old pieces of art, some that went out to pen
pals, and a piece done by an old friend. Message board's been coming to life again! :)
1/8/07 Happy New Year *DC*, ya outdated pile'a junk. Still, I added my own story to the Stories section today, and
worked on the About Me section. At's about it.
5/27 I got Taico's story up today, and added a picture to Yolei's profile.
5/23 Today's update is the addition of Yoyo's character story to the Stories section of the site. A picture will soon
5/3 I updated Yoyo's fic, "Collision Factor" so that it now reads with her revised introduction. Also dumped some
old links that didn't really matter anymore in the Goin' Places section.
3/8 I've started to convert some of the pics on my site to gif images, mainly 'cause the old windows paint program
I used to make them .jpegs also made them crappy looking. Now, they're all nice and smooth, thanks to Paint.NET. Free tool
for 100% better graphics!
2/24 Today I dumped the UDD section and the Jukebox from the navigation bar. They were pretty useless, so yeah. I added
a link in the navigation bar to the revamped Unofficial Digimon Domain. Yep, you heard right. Take a look!
2/17 I redirected Yolei's link in the Goin' Places Section so that it will take viewers to her new site!
I have added Onslaught to the UDD Contact Directory. Ya!
All right, we've got a Fanfiction section, featuring stories written by Yolei! Thanks for the submission Yoyo!
I've added a new destination in the address bar that will take you to the New Unofficial Digimon Domain Message Board!
Onslaught set it up, and now the history of the old board will be preserved as we begin a new, more advanced forum!
Come one come all!
Giant_Tai is back!!! After a LOOONG hiatus, the miles tall giant of UDD has submitted his story to the Stories section,
and he's back in the game!
Now featured in the Goin' Places section is a link to Onslaught's RPer Hall of Fame! It's dedicated to the chatters
of "...Sailor Stars, Iron Jays, Gundamwing Paradise Chat, Unofficial Digimon Domain, The Digital Alliance, Tuxedo Mask
Chat, Pikachu's Pokemon Chat Room, Charmander's 31st, Progames Chat, and Dark Realms/Deadly Universe." Take a look, your
name may be on the list.